Luigis Villa image
Name: Luigis Villa / Luigi's Villa
Originally designed by: Nintendo
Location: Imaginary
Status: Appears in a video game from 2001
Type: Mansion
Height: ~20 m

About this model:
Completed: September 2019
Height: 16 cm

This paper model represents the villa found in the video game "Luigi's Mansion" from Nintendo. I've been thinking about creating a paper model of the mansion for several years, but the task always seemed to be too difficult for me. Recreating the geometry of the mansion was challenging, because the measurements from the game don't line up exactly. I also had to repaint all surfaces, because they are meant to appear on a screen and would be too dark if printed out on paper. I spent several months on designing the model. Assembling it kept me busy for another few hours.

The digital model sheets are available for free.

Try the simplified version for beginners